Coolant is a crucial technical liquid that plays a vital role in maintaining the performance of not just the car engine, but also the transmission. In the case of electric cars, coolant additionally protects the power cells from uncontrolled overheating.

The importance of using a high-quality engine coolant extends throughout the year. In summer, when engines endure heightened heat levels, reliable coolant ensures efficient heat management. Equally vital is its role in winter, where the coolant’s ability to dissipate heat effectively and resist freezing at extremely low temperatures becomes essential for maintaining optimal engine performance and longevity.

Like all technological fluids, coolant gradually loses its properties and protective functions over time, which can result in deposits forming on internal engine surfaces, overheating, and gradual wear of components such as cooling pump impellers. In severe cases, cavitation can even cause pitting on internal surfaces. Timely coolant replacement is crucial for ensuring the engine operates smoothly and remains trouble-free in the long term.

Car manufacturers provide varying recommendations on coolant replacement intervals for engines, ranging from suggestions to never change the fluid to intervals of 5 or even 15 years. However, if you’re concerned about your car’s condition, we recommend replacing HARTOL glycol-based antifreeze (G11 class) every 40,000 kilometers or every 2 years, while organic-based coolant (G12 class) should be changed every 80,000 kilometers or every 5 years.

Regardless of the type of car you own, always remember: reliable cooling is crucial for a comfortable and safe journey.